Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Slightly Embarrassing

I woke up this morning, of my own accord, at about 6:15... no alarm, no obnoxious streetperson with a loudspeaker recording at full volume trying to sell spare parts... just awake, ready to begin my class of sophomores today.

Just one problem... my class isn't until tomorrow. It wasn't until I was dressed, packed, out the door, and down at the bus station, and talking to Warren that I was told that it was not, in fact, Friday. All that prep, both yesterday and today, and scaring myself into getting up early sans alarm all for nothing. But I guess it does explain why my alarm didn't go off like it was supposed to...

Oh well, as far as mistakes in scheduling go, I'd much rather have it this way than the other way.

I've been involved for several days in an adventure to find a functional AC adapter for my Xbox, which I lugged all the way over here, just to have the adapter fry the second I plugged it in. It was my own fault, mind you. I momentarily forgot about the voltage difference here. Here (and most of the world) the outlets run at 220V, whereas American outlets are at a mere 120V. I knew this, but I just wasn't thinking about it. So what I did was call my interpreter Xiaoxian, who brought along a former student of hers, "Forest" to take me to the Digital Market. Imagine, if you will, a Circuit City, but spanning about 3 floors and a city block. This, obviously, was my kind of place. The other difference of course, is that most everything is a knock-off Chinese clone which will run for a little while, and then wear out and break far earlier than the real thing. The look very real, though... and they're far cheaper, so I won't be complaining too much...

Unfortunately, the first one I bought turned out to be incompatible with my console. It was designed for the newer generation of 360, meaning that it didn't quite fit. Consequentially, I went back to thr market with Forest and they agreed to exchange the one I bought with one that (should) work properly... once they order it in from another provence. It should be arriving any day. Retail, these puppies go for about $99, but here one cost my 300元, which is roughly $40. I'll take it, even if it is a cheap clone.

It is nice, though, that I'm beginning to find my way around a little more of the city that just the immediate Xiayupu area in which I live. I was able to take the #5 Bus (for only 1.5 元 [$0.21]) down to the old medical campus and meet Forest without any guide or directions. That's a real confidence builder. I'm also trying to communicate with retailers, though it's slow going. At least I have a basis of the language from which to build.

1 comment:

  1. Sooo how was teaching on for you...tomorrow for me;)? I'm sure the locals are pleased that you are attempting to use their language and will probably be more patient and helpful because of that too.
    Grandma and Grandpa were thrilled to see and hear you on Skype last night!!
