I just got done watching the Presidential Debate on cnn.com, and it was well worth the time. As far as I am concerned, Obama really shone, and was the clear victor of this debate. Of course, this falls pretty much in line with my thinking as a whole, but McCain seemed overly dismissive of his opponent, was rambling on the whole time, blatantly distorting facts (surprise, surprise), and really seemed to falter. Even though this was supposed to be his strong suit - National Defense/Foreign Policy - I felt he came across as unprepared, uninformed, and very Reagan-esque in every negative connotation I can muster.
McCain seems fundamentally rooted in the past and the "way things used to be," whereas Obama embodies the changes of today and tomorrow.
And honestly, this tired line of Obama "not understanding" X or Y has really played out... how uncouth, and so has this whole "I'm not Ms. Congeniality, I'm the maverick" gimmick. Gimme a break, McCain. Find some new material... seriously.
I'm looking forward to seeing next week's debate between Biden and Palin. That should be good for a laugh. And after reading today that even members of the GOP - people who were gung-ho about getting this "lipstick-wearing pitbull" on the ticket - are publicly sayng that she's a liability to his campaign and - much more importantly - to the country and should remove herself from the ticket, I'm very interested to see how much more damage Ms. Alasssskuh can do to her own campaign.
Kathleen Parker, conservative comentator and early supporter of Palin, said it best I think:
"If BS were currency, Palin could bail out Wall Street herself," Parker also writes. "If Palin were a man, we'd all be guffawing, just as we do every time Joe Biden tickles the back of his throat with his toes. But because she's a woman - and the first ever on a Republican presidential ticket - we are reluctant to say what is painfully true."
As many things as Joe Biden says that taste of shoe polish, at least he knows what he's talking about. These crocodile tears from many conservatives of Palin being the victim of "sexism" are patently absurd. Hell, I'm probably sexist right now for even talking about the pretty lady...
(CS)WC Out.
Hey, let's get ONE thing straight.... she ain't "pretty!"
ReplyDeleteYES WE CAN!
your sis... Tracy
You're right, I should clarify...
ReplyDeleteI meant "prettier than McCain."
Hope you get to watch the Vice Prez debate on Thurs. Chris! We'll see if all the prep-time for Palin pays off...at this point I don't think it's possible...