Pedestrians in China must fend for themselves. Cars will usually try to swerve out of your way... but bus drivers
will friggin hit you. I've had to stand in the middle of a street while two buses passed me simultaneously - one in front, one behind - with no more than a foot of room on either side. Walk-signs be damned! They've got a schedule to keep!!!
PROTIP: Walk at an even, medium pace and
do not stop unless a bus is turning in front of you.

Chicks waiting to board their bus... I hope they remembered to bring their 1.5 RMB. Maybe chickens get a discount...

Goose in a cage. 'Nuff said. PETA would have a field day here.

It's hard to capture the
sheer chaos that is Chinese traffic with a mere still-photo. The white car is sitting in the middle of the intersection while everyone else swerves around him at high speed.
Note: China's traffic accident rate is 5x that of the US.

Smelled this place from blocks away. And yes, some people do live there... ew.

The Society for Creative Anachronism demonstrating how life was before pickup trucks?
These people actually haul these weird wooden carts around for a living!

Due to popular sisterly request, my ugly mug on one of dozens of riverfronts.
The water? Yeah NOT clean, but at least it doesn't actively smell like raw sewage.
I still have nightmares about Guiyang's river...

I kid you not, the walk signs here
goosestep! Ein! Swei! Drei! Fier! March!!!

Like so many other "laws" here, - traffic, copyright, importation, quality control, environmental - parking laws are seen less as "rules to be obeyed" than as "friendly suggestions to be considered, and duly disregarded."

Ban em all!
You're cracking me up!!=D (Thanks Meredith for the new sign...=D) You're really going to do something with all your stories and you've only just begun!!
ReplyDeleteI recommend pounding the meat to tenderize it AND then marinate it for 2-4 hour...or over night! Should be a big improvement!
so happy to see that my request was honored and there's a GREAT picture of my little brother to go along with his truly entertaining blog. Loved the last photo of the multiple "bans"... including the one indicating no pictures... : )
ReplyDeletelove you,