Monday, September 15, 2008

Short Update

Well, the typhoon turned out to be a major disappointment. I was expecting something like a hurricane... instead it rained a little, the wind blew a bit... and that was that. Whoop-dee-doo. As I learned from my compatriots at La Luna, the Wenzhounese have a knack for really overstating how "bad" their storms are. Apparently, this is how it often is... but at least they're quick to cancel work/school. Kind of like Portland when it freezes over. No such luck this time, though...

I've got 2 classes tomorrow, and 2 the next day. Those will be my first meetings with the freshman writing classes. It should be interesting... I plan on seeing what they're capable of by giving them the assignment to write me a letter of introduction, which will be due next week.

Last night was quite a bit of fun. Aaron and I went to La Luna, and met up with lots of new foreigners... no, I take that back. We're the new foreigners... lots of other foreigners who were new to us! They're all very friendly. After several hours at La Luna, we were invited (and of course accepted sheerly to be polite) to accompany the group to another bar called Brass Monkey, where the owner was trying to promote his place by offering foreigners free Tsing Taos. Who can say no to that? Lots of fun, and a very late wake-up time... by the time I got home, the sky was lightening... did I mention it was fun?

More to come later
(CS)WC Out.

Gather, place, erase, so shelter turns to home.

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