Monday, September 8, 2008

A Minor Annoyance

It's been grating at me ever since I got here. In the grand scheme of things, it's really quite minor, and there's nothing I can do about it... but it's been quite obnoxious. I can only hope that in the coming weeks and months I learn to tune it out.

I speak of course of the wandering street people outside who very loudly chant their "business slogans" as they meander in circles every day waiting for someone to shut them up by hiring them. What are they selling? I haven't the foggiest. Often they are lugging some sort of wooden cart behind them filled with trash or something - like you'd expect an ox to be hauling.

How annoying is it? Let me illustrate. Imagine, if you will, the Kleen King jingle. Ringing any bells? If not, just think of the most horrifically obnoxious commercial song you've ever heard. Now:
1) Make it a jibberish language. You no longer have any idea what they're trying to pawn off on you.

2)Remove any semblance of catchy music or rhyme. Now replace it with a nasally, piercing harpy-cry of a phrase, piercing through the thickest walls and perforating your eardrum from blocks away. It's now lost any vestigial bit of "humanity," rendering it a soulless, broken shell of a jingle, crawling its way up from hell to strangle the life out of you.

3) Remove the ability to change the channel to football, cartoons, or the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. You get to hear this crypt-keeper street lady coming from 3-4 blocks away. You have the pleasure of hearing this looped little mind-frag of a phrase repeated over and over again, growing louder and more reality-bending with each unholy iteration, until it seems to have swallowed your entire world in it obnoxious, demonic jaws.

4) It starts at about 6 in the morning and continues intermittently until nightfall. No rest for the wicked. At least the males are less obnoxious, BUT SERIOUSLY! I don't know how they stay alive! I would never ever EVER hire someone who sang all day outside my window. I want to throw rocks at these people, not give them money!!!

Ok, that was my rant for the day...


  1. lol, the way you write about it makes the title sound like a total understatement! and although i completely sympathize, the way you say it also makes it completely hilarious...! maybe you should get some earplugs =D

  2. perhaps you could come up with your own "jingle"...and even cart! : )

    sounds like you are having the adventure of a lifetime- keep blogging! : )

