Sunday, September 21, 2008

Pictures from the weekend (among others)

Despite me being rather under the weather this weekend, I've still somehow managed to make a decent time of it. Went out Friday and Saturday nights (admittedly, maybe not the best plan, considering), and then stayed in on Sunday to try to combat this very obnoxious cough that has plagued me for a couple days now. I'm feeling better now - not 100% though - thank, I think to my Chinese friend Nancy generously delivering some herbal medicine for me. It tastes... interesting... but definitely much better than that godawfully-flavored stuff in the US... and yes, I know it's intentionally so.

Anyway, wish me a speedy recovery, and here's a few pictures I've taken in the meantime.

Blurry I know. So you may just have to take my word for it when I tell you that this was the Duck-mobile. Ducks were tied to just about every inch of this man's moterbike... and yes, they were alive.

For the mid-Autumn Festival, the students (and us teachers) got a long 3-day weekend. A few of them invited me out to what they call "KTV" - more commonly known as karaoke. We all had a good time, and there were even a few English songs (Hotel California, some Beatles) that they convinced me to sing.

This was a nice picture I thought. Sky line near dusk.

I found this bridge at a nearby park next to the river. There's a lot of similar bridges. Curiously, this one was fenced and barb wired off...

I discovered a lizard of some kind unofficially taking my class. The students (overwhelmingly female) were scared of the little thing, so I let it hide under my desk so it wouldn't slither around and disturb the class.

This woman spoke remarkably good English for someone I just randomly met at a park. I was taking pictures of the water and skyline, and she waved at me. Apparently she's 88 years old!... which probably means she's actually more like 86 (Wenzhou people add 2 additional years onto their "Western age" for a reason I still don't entirely understand.)

And don't worry, Tracy, there are sure to be more pictures in the future!

(CS)WC Out

Your jeans were once so clean

1 comment:

  1. love the pics! So glad to hear (see) that you also have a class mascot...please protect him from those girls! : )

    have a good week...hope your cough gets better!

