Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Knocked Flat

Though I still can't quite nail it down, I'm pretty confident that I got a bad case of food poisoning yesterday... probably from the Indian restaurant down the street. I think it was a case of undercooked chicken... damn those Indian chickens...

I won't go into the details - I'm sure enough of you have dealt with a similar situation before - but suffice it to say, apart from occasional frantic sprints to worship the porcelain god I was totally unable to get out of bed, walk around, or really say much of anything except the odd moan of pain.

This, on top of weeks now of a persistent cough, and bouts of just feeling really, really bad... I'm beginning to feel like I must've done something wrong in a past life.

I had to call my school at 7:00am to inform that that I couldn't have my class today because I literally couldn't move enough to get dressed. Fortunately, they (they, being Xiaoxian) were quite understanding and explained that I'd simply have to arrange for another class with my students some other day. Sucks for them, but ultimately it's fair. Throughout the day I got occasional text messages expressing heartfelt, but poorly-worded sympathy, and suggesting over, and over, and over again that I should try the ultimate Chinese cure-all: hot water.

Apparently there is nothing that it can't fix. They drink it all the time... and I get sick more often than them. Maybe they're on to something....

Nancy has been more than helpful. Her innate "caretaker" personality fully came into its element with me feeling just-this-side-of-death, and I've gotta say, it was pretty awesome to have her around :) She also took this opportunity to put her (delicious & very clean) Chinese cooking skills on display. I ate it as I was able... which has been slowly these past couple of days.

I'm happy to say that a combination of Chinese and Western medicines, Nancy's care, and bedrest have left me feeling much better (albeit still kind of weak) today, and I'm anticipating getting back into the classroom tomorrow to finish out my week (if for no other reason than I don't wish to add to my extra classes :/).

But man! I can't remember the ast time I felt so bad... I hope that's the last time, at least for a loooong while!

(CS)WC Out.

Don't trust me, trust yourself


  1. So sorry to hear...Tracy has had a bout or two of food poisoning that knocked her socks off too! Glad you're getting your strength back with help form Nancy and the hot water;) Oddly enough Chris, my families housecleaner, Florence, always drank hot water with her lunch and was rarely sick...I thought it quite odd since I was a child at the time but have since drank hot water from time to time too...and she wasn't Chinese either...Canadian by birth... hmmmm.
    Here's to a full recovery soon!

  2. Yikes!- sorry to hear about your continual bouts with illness... I'm thinking try the hot-water thing (just not boiling and not in your shower)- can't hurt and might even help if you can get yourself to buy into it.

    Hope you are feeling 100% before Mom and Dad get there!

