Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hot Yoga

I know... it sounds like some sort of strange karmic porno... but fear not! It's just a bunch of sweaty people sitting in a hot, dark room and trying to bend their bodies in unnatural - one might even say unholy - ways.

Yes, Nancy and I, in an effort to preserve our girlish figures and get, ahem, beach ready for the summertime, have joinged the nearby EastFitness Club and signed up for hot yoga twice a week.

I had my doubts... but, like the crazy bald guy on Bizarre Foods, I've resigned myself to trying pretty much anything. And, I have to say, it's been a pleasant surprise. Well... kind of. Mid-way through, my body begins screaming in protest at the positions I'm forcing it to pretzel into. That's a given. But being instructed by a tiny girl with an incredibly soothing voice (even though I can't understand it 90% of the time) in a room of ~40 in which I'm usually the only guy.

The brain usually tells the body to shut the hell up and take it like a man.

It's relaxing, and excruciating, enlightening, and exhausting... all sandwiched together... on sourdough, of course.

(CW)WC Out.

the freckles in our eyes are mirror images


  1. Hello Mr. Pretzel! I know that there is a similar class offered at The Ridge. So the 'heat' helps to be more flexible during class...how do you feel after you've cooled down?

  2. Yeah, well if this version is anything to go by, I'll be seeing if there's anything in town when I get back.

    I can only imagine how much more useful it would be if I could actually understand what was being said... ah well...

    My body feels really good (but tired) afterward... it really it a whole-body workout!

  3. Are you stuck in a knot?...No new news or e-mails!!
