Saturday, March 14, 2009

Shanghai, Shanghai!

As Nancy and I pack up and decide what to do on our free day (I'm lobbying for a stop at a Starbucks, among others), my parents on now on a train to - or rather, have already arrived in - the nearby-ish city of Suzhou to see... whatever there is to see there. I've never been, I can't say.

Out time in Shanghai has been great. Mom and Dad had as part of their package a private guide to show them (and Nancy and I) the sites. Couple that with the fact that Nancy already knows a great deal about the *off-tour* spots of the city (read: bars, clubs, nightlife, restaurants, etc), and we were almost guaranteed to have a great time.

It's been really fun seeing the parents, and also seeing just how excited they are at this trip. Dad's leg gets tired after walking around all day, and who can blame him? But still, you can see the excitement in his eyes and hear it in his voice. For him, well, both of them, this really is the trip of a lifetime. We've visited most of the great spots of the city, ate some delicious food (as well as some not-so-delicious varieties... Shanghainese food is traditionally a kind of sickly-sweet most of us can only take *just-so-much* of), and had a great time all around.

Since I work tomorrow, Nancy and I are heading back to Wenzhou this afternoon. Tomorrow, Nancy will pick they two traveling adventurers up from the New And Improved Wenzhou Airport and get them situated whilst I ply my skillz to pay the billz. We'll then see all there is to see of Wenzhou - of course, including the top of a massage table. On Tuesday, they'll come with me out to Chashan and I'll be able to relax and let mi padre do all the talking... so that'll be nice.

And the following day, I'll be forced to bid them a fond farewell as they head off to Xi'an (home of the famous Terracotta Warriors) and finally Beijing (home of...well, you know). I'm certainly expecting many picture from them. Though I have some (and will certainly post them ASAP) since my camera is only semi-functional, I let them take most of the pics.

Alright, since we're almost packed, chackout time is approaching, and my stomach is growling threats of armed insurrection if I don't feed it soon, I'll leave off here. One thing's for certain, though. The more I see of Shanghai, the better an idea it seem to try to get over here next year.

(CS)WC Out.

your uncle was a crooked French-Canadian

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