Saturday, February 28, 2009

If you're ever wanting to see how the "other half" uses the web....

If you're ever in the mood for a laugh, giggle, or possibly even guffaw, you might want to check out Conservapedia. In essence, it's Wikipedia, but "from a conservative point of view."

Like its soul-mate Faux News, Conservapedia has all the trappings of its more... truthful counterparts, but without all those pesky little extras like fact check, reliability, or anything even remotely resembling an objective account of a given topic.

It does, however, sooth us with an American flag, and the moniker "The Trustworthy Encyclopedia."

Let's take a brief look starting with, oh I don't know, two randomly picked presidents...

Barack Hussein Obama:


Now compare that to our good friend George W. Bush:


Yes... quite trustworthy.... definitely fair and balanced....

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