Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pølitíqüe Åméricân

It's getting tiring listening to - or rather, reading - the toxic sludge that's continually spewed from the mouths of the frothy-mouth acolytes of the Religious Wrong. Not surprising, not enraging, just tiring. 66 days (more or less) into his Presidency - oh, who am I kidding, they didn't even wait 66 minutes into it - the Republicans just can't wait to blame Obama for the ails of the country, and not having immediately fixed them with his divine powers.

And then when he - with amazing speed - actually did begin doing things to fix the economy, they gathered on the bandwagon to sing his doom once more. Their ululations could be heard on mountaintops and riverbeds... a haunting cry not unlike the sound of scraping a mis-tuned violin across a dirty chalkboard. Their current melody - all sung in the kind of harmony that would make the deaf cringe - is that it's ok to want the President to fail. This, of course, was first promulgated by The Big Fat Idiot himself.

But it's no longer just the Papa Bears and Harpy Queens of the world who are saying this. Apparently, in an effort to appease His Rushness, several mainstream Republicans, namely the "Conservate Mister Rogers" Bobby Jindal and Mr. Law & Order Fred Thompson who piped in supporting his position. Sorry, but weren't these the same people telling me a little while ago that not supporting the president in a time of crisis was tantamount to treason? That you're either with us or against us? It's not that I buy into that line at all (I don't), but the blatant two-facedness of it, the boldfaced politique of it all is really quite depressing. For 8 years, nothing but "love it(him) or leave it" to now hopping up and down shouting doom and hope of, in effect, protracting and even worsening the recession. All in the name of a few cheap political points and short term gain; the gain of next quarter, next paycheck, next news cycle, or next election at the expense of the country's longterm stability.

(CS)WC Out.

The DJ never has it

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