Thursday, April 9, 2009

Coulda Been a Journalism Major

((Note: Title should be stated as though it were one of those "coulda had a V8" commercials, complete with ceremonial bonk on the head))

I was "invited*" to do yet another "guest speech." (*read: forcibly conscripted) This term's topic?

Newspaper reading, of course! How did I not see THAT coming? It seems so obvious, and I'm certainly the go-to guy on all things newspaper.

Obligingly... or was it begrudgingly? I always get those two mixed up! Anyway, I went about the business of painstakingly accumulating whole hosts of data on all things newspaper, which is to say, I cut-and-pasted from Wikipedia pretty much everything. But I did spend a lot of time making my powerpoint, which turned out rather nicely. And the students did tell me afterward that it was helpful, so that was nice to hear.

I was "headlined" as doing a lecture (ha) on critical reading of newspapers. Honestly, I am pretty green at the whole news thing. I only took a few political science courses, and those are pretty rusty banging around in the old noodle. So I filled it in with a good dose of history - my subject of choice. I learned quite a few things myself in the process. For instance, in 1690 Benjamin Harris published what is recognized as the first newspaper in Boston. Whoduh thunk?

Ah well, certainly could be worse. In other news, (apart from a haircut) I got a random call on my phone during lunch time from a rep at Wall St. English - apparently a rather well-established English chain - saying they were calling to schedule a phone interview. Lately I've been digitally "papering" Shanghai wanteds with my resume, so I suppose it's not surprising that I got a call. Still, it was just a little unexpected, and took me a little off guard. I hope tomorrows phone-thingy goes well!

(CS)WC Out.

You changed your wardrobe since we met

1 comment:

  1. Sooooo, did the phone interview gooooo, well? Details please;)
