Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ripped from the Headlines!

With the continued plummeting of many American companies due to managerial greed and corruption, we may want to consider taking a page from the Chinese government regarding corruption and bribery - he says, tongue firmly in cheek... observe, from

Ex-Beijing official gets death sentence

BEIJING, China (AP) -- A former Beijing vice mayor in charge of overseeing Olympic construction projects has been given a death sentence for corruption, a court clerk and his lawyer said Sunday.

The Intermediate People's Court in Hengshui, a city outside Beijing, ordered the death sentence Saturday after finding Liu Zhihua guilty of taking bribes, said a court clerk who would only give his surname, Ma.

However, the sentence was "suspended" for two years, Ma said. The reprieve means if Liu shows good behavior, his sentence will be commuted to life imprisonment.

The government squelched all reporting on Liu's prosecution in the months leading up to the August Olympic Games to avoid tarnishing its image on the global stage.

Officials said Liu's misdeeds had nothing to do with Olympic projects, but his dismissal put a cloud over preparations for the games and prompted authorities to ratchet up anti-corruption efforts.

Liu was elected to his post as vice mayor of Beijing in 1999, and dismissed and kicked out of the Communist Party in 2006.

Liu faced 10 charges for accepting bribes totaling about 7 million yuan ($1 million) and gifts in return for favors to property development companies while vice mayor, his lawyer Mo Shaoping said.

Mo said some of the allegations were dubious. "Liu will probably appeal the verdict, and the final decision will be made soon," Mo said.

China reportedly spent $38 billion on urban renewal and infrastructure construction for the Olympics. Many officials have been charged with corruption in construction and real estate deals in the rapidly growing capital.

Wow! OK, for reals, I'm done for the day...


  1. Chris

    You will want to ensure that your work as a question master is well documented (in writing) so it can be placed on your professional vita for consideration in the tenure/promotion process at some future place (university) of employment. You will discover that such academic exercises, regardless of their mundane nature, are highly valued in academe.

    Love Dad...... (remember, the student IS NOT your customer, but your product.... and as in life, you must cast a million flies on the water to catch a trout while avoiding the whitefish....)

  2. Chris,
    I hope this "Master" title isn't something you are planning to bring back and make us common-folk-family call you...'cause we ain't down with that crap! : )

    keep smiling little brother...
