Saturday, October 18, 2008


From bad to good, things have a way of coming back around again. It began with an impromptu phone call from Warren's wife, Xiaohong (means "Little Red"), calling on behalf of Mr. Ma - the school's financial go-to-guy who is very nice, but doesn't speak a word of English. He'd been relayed my request, but before he went through the process of find a guy to fix an apparently broken heating pipe, he wanted to know if maybe, just maybe I had flipped the switch to turn on the water heater.

Yes, that's right... a month and a half of cold showers... all because I was never told that you could turn off the heat by using a seemingly-useless lightswitch next to the mirror. Sigh.

I wish they'd given me an instruction manual on all the weird little eccentricities of this apartment. But the point is I finally have hot water! Woohoo! And moreover, I was paid (finally) and so was able to go to the nearby-ish Trust Mart (owned by, of course, Wal Mart and connected to a McDonald's) and buy a new "hose" thing to connect my showerhead. The result: a fully funtional, fully temprature-control-able water with no holes in the hose to spray said pleasant water every which-a-way...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

In addition, today was a phenomenonally pleasant day. It rained - or rather, misted - all day yesterday, and so the usual heavy blanket of smoke, ash, and other miscelaneous pollutants was MIA. Not a cloud in the sky, and the sun shining brightly. It was so pleasant that I decided to go for a walk. And don't worry... I brought my camera. I'll post the pictures up soon :) But for now...

(CS)WC Out.

I'll give you something to cry about.


  1. Congrats on the shower! Is it draining any better? Or perhaps this is something Mr. Ma could find a repairman for;) Maybe you'll leave tags on what switches do what for the next person who uses the apt.
    Hope the rest of you weekend continues to go well!!
    And I expect pics the next time I check you blog!!:)

  2. Glad you hear you are back to being "Happy Chris" and your shower (with its switch-operated heating ability) is feeling oh-so-good! Again, let's look on the bright side... without all of these comedy of errors, your blog just wouldn't be as entertaining!

