Sunday, October 12, 2008

Now I know why they don't allow firearms here...

Because I'm just about ready to go kill someone. My day is just beginning, and yet already I'm feeling more than a little irked. There are several chief causes of this phenomenon.

1) Construction continues downstairs. That's right, the same crap that's been pounding away for weeks and weeks continues unabated by weekends, hangovers, or godawfully-early hours of the morning. Fortunately, they seem to be down to the small detail work, meaning there's much less of the floor-shaking grinding and pounding, and mostly only the relatively easy-to-ignore occasional hammering. It's sad that I've actually learned to partially tune-out hammering on my floor...

but that's just the beginning. I'm used to that. Let's read on...

2) My shower nightmare continues. Like peeling back the layers of some unholy onion, my bathroom debacle just seems to go from bad to worse at every turn. I was just getting ready to call in my lack of water-heat, when the hose from the spiget to the showerhead abruptly developed a leak. A little edge of metal on the outer sheath seems to have sliced right through the hose, meaning that every time I turn the water on it spray out in random directions... cold, cold water. And as the temprature drops that is going to get less and less pleasant. Hopefully I can get it fixed soon.

but that's just more of the same. I already know that bathroom hates me as a matter of principle. No, what really turned my crank today...

3) I hung my sheet out on my balcony to dry yesterday, and clipped it firmly in place so I wouln't have to go searching for it last time when the wind picked up at just the wrong moment. I checked it today and there were several pieces of fish stuck to it. Fish... raw... that had dried in the sun because someone had either dropped them from their upper apartment like an idiot, or had actually thrown them up from street level and fucked over my sheet. I swear to god, I would pummel whoever did this, whether they "meant" to or not. I'm washing the sheet again as we speak, but I fully expect that I'll have to go buy a new one. It's ridiculous. I really pisses me off.

A 10-Day waiting period may not be nearly enough...

(CS)WC Out.

They mesmerize skeletons.


  1. Breath...some of these things are out of your control (fish) while others you need to get info from those who have lived there for a while or their whole lives...somebody knows something about plumbing in CHINA!!

  2. Do you serve cheese with these whines?



    (seriously...... enjoyed the pictures and the commentary.... life is certainly interesting as an adult! It could be worse.... you could have been heavily invested in the stock market.)

  3. look on the bright side...
    1) at least somewhere in your building something is getting worked on


    2) at least it was only fish on your sheet... I can think of much worse! : )

