I'm not sure what the idea was with this, but around noon, the campus landscaping staff covered many of the sidewalks on campus with these orange flower petals. I guess they're for tea and cooking... they sure smell nice. I was told this is the time of year they bloom.
Firstly, this is just a cool shot I think (and considering how friggin hard it is to get a decent shot at night with a handheld camera, I'm doubly happy... seriously the exposure times on a lot of these are 3-5 seconds... just try holding perfectly still for that long... try it).
Secondly, this is a 1-Way street. The carswhose headlights you see? Yeah, they're totally going the wrong way. It's like this every time I come tot his street. Seriously. These people are just plain driving-retarded.
Two temple-towers on an island in the middle of a river. They look quite nice at night, but again, it was a pain in the ass to get a quality shot without a tripod. I think you'll agree it was worth the effort, though. Also, this was the spot a beggar would NOT leave Nancy or I alone. We told her to go away several times, but she'd just clank away right behind us. Finally I had to start yelling at her to get her to go away. Never underestimate yelling at someone in a foreign tongue.
Ferris Wheel. Didn't ride it, but it was fun to look at.
My God! What are those lights in the sky?! Some kind of UFO?!
It must be an invasion! Look out they're everywhere! ... Wait... they seem to be going up instead of coming down...
Really, though, it does look a bit like some kind of close encounter... we'd better check it out, eh Nancy?
Miniature Hot-air balloons?! Well that's pretty cool. I was told people write wishes on them and then send the up. They're powered by a little open flame burning - I would think - a bit of oil. Still they can be a major fire hazard if the wind blows wrong, which is why they're illegal.
Of course, laws only mean as much as the police are willing to enforce them... which here is roughly "not at all."
I have no idea who these girls are, but they were nice enough to let me take pictures of them prepping for launch :)
Must have been very cool to see all of the "mini" balloons launched!! Really enjoying the photo opts. and commentary Chris:) Keep it coming! Glad your health went back to the positive side!!
Must have been very cool to see all of the "mini" balloons launched!! Really enjoying the photo opts. and commentary Chris:) Keep it coming! Glad your health went back to the positive side!!
It must be our lucky week with a "two-for-one-special" on the pics! : ) Nancy seems to be a regular in the last few blog entries...anything you want to tell your big sis??? : )