Saturday, April 11, 2009


As I mentioned in my last post, I got a call from some English School chain asking to set up a time for an interview on Friday. I agreed to a 1:00pm phone-interview, and we left it with the guy on the other end saying "OK, I'll call you tomorrow at 1:00."

Well, he never called. And yes, it was a letdown. Especially since I'd kind of been preparing for it all morning. I texted the number at around 2:00 wondering if he'd wanted me to call him (though he'd never said anything like that and didn't give me a number), but there was no response.

Ah well. It's nothing major, and I'm still sending out periodic shotgun blasts of resumes as I find companies hiring. From the looks of it, I'm actually pretty well-qualified... especially since the "class" I took with Jeff can act as a TEFL equivalent. It would seem I have more qualifications than a lot of the people I work around... and that's weird.

In other news, I'm fairly sure my Chinese DVD player is on its way out. It's decided to intermittently just spaz out and quit playing a disc midway through. At first I thought it was just a case of the common "badly burned disc" syndrome that one comes to accept as part-and-parcel to 8元 movies... but the player's been doing it too frequently, and most of the discs work in other players.

I've been told that most thing in China will break after about 6 months of use. My apartment is holding up quite well, actually (bathroom Odyssey aside)... but some casualties were to be expected. I'm just annoyed that it was something I like to use so much!

Finally, I found out last week that I've been "volunteered" to join two foreign students in a debate thingy against a gaggle of Chinese people next thursday... which is AWESOME because I just LOVE staying out in Chashan for an extra 7 hours so the school can show me off in some worthless... I MEAN REALLY, REALLY WORTHWHILE activity which is little more than simply keeping 10,000 bored Chinese students occupied. Yeah... great.

(Some people think it's difficult to convey sarcasm in text... but I think I manage quite well)

fly around in circles


  1. one of the reasons the school hired you is to show you off in some worthless ways, you just gonna have to accept it as it is.

  2. oh I accept it, I embrace the inevitability of it fully.

    That doesn't mean I have to enjoy it.
