Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Holding My Breath

Just a quickie for now...

In my office today, I got a phone call from a strangely-familiar number. Having nothing better to do, I answered it. It was - surprise of surprises! - Marco, the man who had called earlier from Wall Street English to set up the interview last week and then never followed through, much to my dismay.

Well, it turns out he hadn't just blown me off completely. He'd been quite ill last week, which was why he wasn't in at work when he'd said he'd be. Having had a few bouts of "Oh God I'm gonna die" here myself, I can relate.

So the interview's back on for tomorrow, 3 o'clock. Be there or be s-q-u-a-r-e, yo!

(CS)WC Out.

This existential carousel

1 comment:

  1. And how did the interview goooo...was it a goooo this time?
