Saturday, February 28, 2009

Something Approaching Healthy

Well, at least I'm feeling healthy... because I'm still not sounding like it. There's been a clinging, obnoxious cough following me around for the last week or so, which is only marginally affected by medicine. Hopefully that will just continue to slowly (or quickly) fade away.

In other news, I figured out (thanks to Aaron) how to get more hot water from my shower... this, of course, occurred several hour after yet another of the periodic and always-harrowing bouts of bathroom possession. Yes, possession... as in a malignant spirit and/or demon inhabits my bathroom. I'll explain.

Think back, back to Ghostbusters 2, when the evil spirit of Vigo, the Carpathian warlord, is trying to find a new body to inhabit. In his mad quest for life-eternal, he makes the sewers of New York literally overflow with psychoactive ectoplasmic goo... some of which attempts to steal a baby from a bath.

That's more-or-less what happens in my bathroom... except instead of glowy-pink slime coming out of all the taps, it's a brown mixture which angrily growls it's displeasure at me... often in a voice uncannily similar to Linda Blair.

So, after crossing the beams and narrowly avoiding complete protonic reversal (imagine all of the atoms in the universe exploding and then flying away from each other at the speed of light), the Power of Christ did, in fact, compel the dark spirit out of the water, and it resumed its former, only semi-septic form.

It was at this point that I found out about the water heater. It is in the ceiling behind a trapdoor... on this heater is a dial... a dial which was set to "medium." If one should turn that dial from "medium" to "boiling," however, one could have several more minutes of shower time.

This boon was not without a price, however. I turned on my shower today and hopped in - excited at the prospect of an extended rinse - only to jump out again with a yelp and just as quickly. The water, which had until now been a comfortable temperature at its hottest setting, was now in fact, boiling. I am none too proud to say the my own personal Private Johnson took this friendly fire full-on... and is still recovering from the blow. It was eyeopening, to say the least... eyeopening and flesh-searing.

That's pretty much all to report for today. I know I've been bad about updates, and I'm planning on doing better at that... it's just that there are large stretches of time where, really, not a lot's going on. My schedule is... how to put this? Dreamy... yes, a 3.5 day weekend. I'm certainly not complaining.

It does mean a lot of downtime, though.

Ah well,
(CS)WC Out.

Ambling madly all over the town

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