Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Back to the Grind

I've now finished my first two days of teaching of the new semester. They went about as well as could've been expected.

I'm still kind of confused as to why I was taken off of writing class... not that I'm complaining, really... it's quite a bit less homework to correct. It's just that I had gotten kind of comfortable with the content, etc... and now I'm back at "square-one" with this listening course. Oh well, I'll just have one more thing to add to any future resume (yes, Dad, it'll be right next to the part that states I was "Questionmaster" of a Chinese Speech Contest ;P).

My schedule is pretty nice this term... my weekend begins on Thursday at 11:00am... and I have Wednesday off, as well :D So I'm definitely not complaining.

Unfortunately, Nancy and I are both sick right now... go figure, eh? Mine is one of those annoying, only occasionally-productive coughs that I know will just linger and linger. Nancy says her whole body is sore, and yesterday she had a bit of a fever. Stupid springtime illnesses...

We went to the "what's a copyright?" DVD shop again... and hit the jackpot, really. They'd just gotten a new shipment of movies in, and I couldn't help myself. I bought "Choke" the dark Palahniuk comedy about a sex-addict (I read the book on the flight over...it was great), Benjamin Button, The Last Samurai, and a whole host of Miyazaki films. It was a bit of a film-orgy... I definitely could've bought more... but I was afraid of going over-budget. Turns out I needen't have bothered. I just got paid, and all of them together (7 DVDs) cost 79RMB (~$11)... ahh, I love the morally-abiguous nature of Chinese cinema...

Anyway, we're off to watch Benjamin Button... more later...

(CS)WC Out.

Waves are waves.


  1. Tried to leave a comment earlier but it's not here:( Anyway, hope you two are feeling better...lots of fluids and rest!
    Dr. Mom

  2. Tried to leave a comment earlier but it's not here:( Anyway, hope you two are feeling better...lots of fluids and rest!
    Dr. Mom
