Wednesday, December 24, 2008

圣诞快乐 To All, And To All A Good Night!

I was scheduled to teach today - Christmas Eve - because in China, they've got a word for Christmas:

(Note: Their actual word for Christmas is 圣诞节 [shengdanjie])

My 3 Freshmen writing classes arrived, as usual, ready to buckle down and - in the vernacular of my little sister - "Do Work." But, being as it was the last class of the semester, and I was in the holiday spirit (read: lazy, tired, at-wits'-end), I opted to show them a movie... don't worry, kids, we've already reviewed extensively for the final.

Alas, I've misplaced my copy of The Muppet Christmas Carol - and so was forced to revert to an alternate choice. Out of both respect for my (few) male students' pride, as well as my own, my other Christmas-y movie: Love Actually, was completely out of the question. What, then, would foot the bill....?

I'd read last night that the Chinese government was preparing a pair of its Destroyer battleships (A-12, Hit!) to set sail for the Gulf of Aden, and join the ever-expanding international task force amassing there to "Do Glorious Battle" with the Somalian pirates lurking there. With this in mind, I opted for the clear choice:

Pirates of the Caribbean, of course! What could be better than a movie glorifying piracy for a country preparing to combat foreign piracy while acting as a shelter for, arguably, the largest source of information and technological piracy in the world?? Even after 5 months here, the irony is still not lost on me...

* * *

Nancy's officially gone. Blah. And yes, it sucks. She flew out for New York at the ass-crack of dawn on Tuesday, and I've yet to hear from her.... of course, the enormous flight time and time differential, coupled with communication difficulties (damn the SIM cards), it's not surprising. Just depressing.

I'm making my pell-mell plans for the holiday now. There's the possibility I could hitch up with Aaron - though his plans seem fairly... unformed, as well, which is discouraging. Nancy tried to pawn me off on some of our mutual friends with travel plans. One couple in particular is planning on going to Thailand (which I've always thought of as a place to go if you were single), and she was tell my sob-story to them before I cut in and said "no thanks." They were willing to let me come with them.... but I don't think anyone would begrudge me not wanting to me the awkward, last minute, quasi-unwanted third-wheel on anyone's travel arangements. In all likelyhood, I'll get up to Hangzhou, and perhaps Shanghai and/or Nanjing. None of that sounds particularly appealing, though... go figure.

The night before she left, Nancy and I went to the Taj Mahal retaurant a few blocks away and had a semi-impromptu early Christmas. She had bought me a bottle of nice cologne, and an enormous stuffed bear ("to take her place while she was gone"). I brought along a 2 page letter from me, and a pair of small stuffed monkeys I found at a toy shop. One monkey for me, and one for her in NYC. She liked it :)

And yes, the bear is very cuddly to sleep next to. Doesn't generate near the body heat, though... so I'm afraid it'll have to be a short-term affair.

(CS)WC Out.

Everybody knows it sucks to grow up


  1. Chris
    Your ability (& willingness) to express your emotions is certainly unique. In my youth I hid my disappointments and pain in secret musings and drunken ramblings late at night. I found that often our best friend was 'time', and while the challenges of life can be perplexing, the hours do go quickly. If nothing else, being alone at this time will give you opportunity to contemplate and possibly determine your next move...... or not.

    Your choice of movie was perfect. What better way to prepare your students for the reality of life than to travel the world with Jack Sparrow, Will Turner & Elizabeth Swann.... a great deal to be learned there. So much more than the ramblings of the great philosophers and scribes such as Marx ( know the one!)...'outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend....inside of a dog it's too dark to read...and Bush... 'leadership would be much easier if I was a dictator...'.

    We will miss you this Christmas, and feel for you. But it was a family issue that interfered with your plans.... I do not know mch about China, but family does mean a great deal there I am told....

    Use your time to plan (AND ACT) toward what will occur six months from now.... colleges and universities do still work along timelines and they work slowly.... make contacts and explore possibilities. Many in the USA are finding what I have known for many years.... a college degree does not guarantee a 'good job', but it does give one choices..... and you do have choices.... continue to explore and then decide..... or don't. But be prepared to make the most of your decision....
    and select a good cheese to accompany.
    As far as the holiday....... take a chance...... go somewhere new...... explore.... what do you have to lose? Haven't you always wanted to visit a city who would go by the name of Bangkok?

    The old bald guy.......

  2. Merry Christmas CHris! Soooo, did your students "get" Pirates of the Caribbean? FYI you mentioned we might start getting netflix again but none have shown up in Bozeman?!?
    Keep us posted on your plans...the worst plan would be NO plan!

  3. Chris,

    We miss you and are thinking of you while the snow continues to PILE up here in Camas... we actually have CHAINS on our tires! I know you are bummed about your Nancy-less holiday, but take the opportunity to explore all that is around you- travel and see what you haven't seen... meet new people... enjoy the not-for-Tracy-cuisine and remember that all your family back in the USA love you and are proud of you. I realize the teddy bear may not be a substitute... but remember that some reunions can be worth the wait.

    Merry Christmas little brother.
    Tracy, Mark, and Ashley

  4. We have been checking your blog these past few days to see if there is any new entries... I hope the absence of an updated blog means you are traveling and enjoying your holiday. We did send a Christmas card (maybe it will arrive by your birthday!) and am hopeful it will arrive and put a smile on your face.

    sending good thoughts your way...
    big sis Tracy, brother-in-law Mark, and little pee-wee Ashley
