Sunday, December 28, 2008

All Quiet on the Far Eastern Front

I didn't realize just how much of a following I had on this site, until my posts became less frequent. Now I'm getting comments and emails (admittedly mostly from family) saying they hope I'm alright because they haven't seen me post in a few day! Ha! Well, thank you, one and all, for your concern.

I'm happy to say, though, that I'm just fine, and I haven't posted much recently simply because there hasn't been that much for me to write about.

I have this week off, and then next week must administer my finals (all on the same day...yippee) before I officially get my break.

For my break, it's looking like I'll be traveling with Aaron and one of his students up to Nanjing, Hangzhou, and potentially Shanghai... and yes, mom, if we get up there I'll be sure to give Ed a ring. We're now in the "how do we actually get up there" phase of planning. Fortunately, the Chinese do not operate on a future-looking mindset, so even though it seems like we're planning at the last minute, we're really doing just fine. All we need to do is avoid traveling on the Chinese New Year holiday.

So what am I doing with my time? Not too much. Going out on occasion, and meeting up with friends, but primarily just staying in, catching up on sleep, et al. I'm EXTREMELY happy to report that as of yesterday I have a brand new, coil-spring matress! No longer am I sleeping on a straw mat! Woot! And even better, the school paid for and delivered it! Granted, it's no Seely Posturepedic, or anything... but there's a marked improvement. I woke up this morning and wasn't near-paralyzed in my lower back.

My lovely Jienan is safe in New York, and I'm hoping to get her on Skype, sooner rather than later.

Other than that, not much else to say. I'm glad you all seemed to have such nice Christmases (snow GALORE!). I'll be bringing my gifts backs stateside over the summer, so don't fret! I just didn't want to deal with the monumental headache of the Chinese postal system.

I think they'd have better luck with carrier pigeons than with half the shady, stupid, ignorant semi-humans they hire... not that I've developed a bias, or anything...

Until next time.
(CS)WC Out.

Nobody here remembers freedom


  1. How did you swing the mattress and paid for by the school?!? Brilliant;) Uncle Ed had said something about it being hard to travel during the Chinese New Year because everything (ie. travel modes and lodging) is/are congested like we get over Thanksgiving & CHristmas travel in the US. Glad you have made some alternate plans for your time off;)

    We have presents for you too but you'll just have to wait until you are stateside but I can send you a picture of the wrapped items if you'd like!! HA
    More later.

  2. So glad to see that there is a new blog for me to read! I was thinking I might have to fly over to China myself and track you down... but now that you are blogging again I can save the Chinese people from this "Amazon!" Also glad to hear you will be traveling with Aaron; I'm sure you will have fun and another adventure to add to your memoirs. Next time you talk with your school admin., see if they can send us a new mattress too, OK? : )
    continue to enjoy your blog...
    Tracy (mark and Ash too!)
