Saturday, February 28, 2009

If you're ever wanting to see how the "other half" uses the web....

If you're ever in the mood for a laugh, giggle, or possibly even guffaw, you might want to check out Conservapedia. In essence, it's Wikipedia, but "from a conservative point of view."

Like its soul-mate Faux News, Conservapedia has all the trappings of its more... truthful counterparts, but without all those pesky little extras like fact check, reliability, or anything even remotely resembling an objective account of a given topic.

It does, however, sooth us with an American flag, and the moniker "The Trustworthy Encyclopedia."

Let's take a brief look starting with, oh I don't know, two randomly picked presidents...

Barack Hussein Obama:


Now compare that to our good friend George W. Bush:


Yes... quite trustworthy.... definitely fair and balanced....

Something Approaching Healthy

Well, at least I'm feeling healthy... because I'm still not sounding like it. There's been a clinging, obnoxious cough following me around for the last week or so, which is only marginally affected by medicine. Hopefully that will just continue to slowly (or quickly) fade away.

In other news, I figured out (thanks to Aaron) how to get more hot water from my shower... this, of course, occurred several hour after yet another of the periodic and always-harrowing bouts of bathroom possession. Yes, possession... as in a malignant spirit and/or demon inhabits my bathroom. I'll explain.

Think back, back to Ghostbusters 2, when the evil spirit of Vigo, the Carpathian warlord, is trying to find a new body to inhabit. In his mad quest for life-eternal, he makes the sewers of New York literally overflow with psychoactive ectoplasmic goo... some of which attempts to steal a baby from a bath.

That's more-or-less what happens in my bathroom... except instead of glowy-pink slime coming out of all the taps, it's a brown mixture which angrily growls it's displeasure at me... often in a voice uncannily similar to Linda Blair.

So, after crossing the beams and narrowly avoiding complete protonic reversal (imagine all of the atoms in the universe exploding and then flying away from each other at the speed of light), the Power of Christ did, in fact, compel the dark spirit out of the water, and it resumed its former, only semi-septic form.

It was at this point that I found out about the water heater. It is in the ceiling behind a trapdoor... on this heater is a dial... a dial which was set to "medium." If one should turn that dial from "medium" to "boiling," however, one could have several more minutes of shower time.

This boon was not without a price, however. I turned on my shower today and hopped in - excited at the prospect of an extended rinse - only to jump out again with a yelp and just as quickly. The water, which had until now been a comfortable temperature at its hottest setting, was now in fact, boiling. I am none too proud to say the my own personal Private Johnson took this friendly fire full-on... and is still recovering from the blow. It was eyeopening, to say the least... eyeopening and flesh-searing.

That's pretty much all to report for today. I know I've been bad about updates, and I'm planning on doing better at that... it's just that there are large stretches of time where, really, not a lot's going on. My schedule is... how to put this? Dreamy... yes, a 3.5 day weekend. I'm certainly not complaining.

It does mean a lot of downtime, though.

Ah well,
(CS)WC Out.

Ambling madly all over the town

Thursday, February 19, 2009


I've had a few bouts of sickness while here in China - often directly related to a new and interesting food... but for the past week I've had a bad chest cold, complete with stuffy nose, body-ache, head-ache, coughing, and all that good stuff.

I have learned something from this experience, though.... if ever in your life you find yourself debating between taking traditional Chinese medicine, and western Medicine......

Take The Western Meds.

Chinese medicine is, at best, herbal tea. At worst it's something along the line of dried tiger-penis jerkey with a big glass of snake-blood liquor.

You see, the Chinese describe illnesses as inner "heat" and/or inner "cold" If you're too much of one or the other, many bad things happen. For instance, pimples are a result of excess heat, as is a swollen throat, among many others. This is not a literal heat, mind you, but a metaphorical pre-germ theory explanation of disease. Plant (and sometimes animal) products (medicine) are administered in certain doses in semi-alchemical attempts to bring the "inner heat" under control.

But the Rhinovirus family cares little for metaphorical mysticism.

After a week of coping, not being able to talk (and thereby showing "Ratatouille" to my listening classes), and feeling like crap... Nancy presented me with yet another box of what I assumed to be more tiny vials of bitter fluid, or little pills of plants.

Turning it over from it's ever-indecipherable front label, though, I saw what appeared to be a boon from on high: "TYLENOL COLD DM." And the angels rang out in an immaculate chorus. Within one dose, I was feeling much better.

I've had a few run-ins with DM medication, which stands for dextromethorphan. It's is a cough-suppressant agent that functions by acting as a dissociative hallucinogen - meaning it makes the brain feel like the body is less "there." Therefore, the cough reaction isn't triggered nearly as often. And it feels pretty loopy... your eyes even take on the fixed-and-dilated look.

I'm hoping to be off of this medicine by the end of the week. Fun aside, it has some funny side-effects, and certainly makes work a bit more of a hassle.

Oh yesterday, Nancy and I went to the local zoo with her niece named Yiru. She's about 1 and a half years old, and quite adorable. She's just learning to speak (Chinese of course), so I was able to communicate well with her. She hardly spoke to me (weird, white stranger), but we'd developed quite a rapport by the end of our time together. That was the good side of the trip.

The bad side was the zoo itself. What a depressing place. Not so much a zoo as it was simply an animal prison. Bars, cages, boxes... and in many of the exhibits the zoo not only allowed, but profited off of people throwing food at the animals. We were even so "fortunate" as to encounter a group of two dumbasses and their bimbo girlfriends who took perverse pleasure in taunting, teasing, and otherwise annoying the animals. They threw plastic bottles and paper popcorn bags into the monkey exhibit...who knows what kind of harm those may cause.

The level of not just ignorance, but outright idiocy and disrespect toward nature and animals is something that really irks me about China and the Chinese people (not all, of course...just some).

Congratulations, son-of-a-local-official-on-a-power-trip, you bested a monkey. Quite obviously, you know your match when you see it.

But there it is. Between this cold, teaching classes, planning on my parents' imminent arrival in March, and at current having to repeatedly assure Nancy that I really do want to be with her, it's keeping me quite busy.

Now your hand is on my shoulder

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Back to the Grind

I've now finished my first two days of teaching of the new semester. They went about as well as could've been expected.

I'm still kind of confused as to why I was taken off of writing class... not that I'm complaining, really... it's quite a bit less homework to correct. It's just that I had gotten kind of comfortable with the content, etc... and now I'm back at "square-one" with this listening course. Oh well, I'll just have one more thing to add to any future resume (yes, Dad, it'll be right next to the part that states I was "Questionmaster" of a Chinese Speech Contest ;P).

My schedule is pretty nice this term... my weekend begins on Thursday at 11:00am... and I have Wednesday off, as well :D So I'm definitely not complaining.

Unfortunately, Nancy and I are both sick right now... go figure, eh? Mine is one of those annoying, only occasionally-productive coughs that I know will just linger and linger. Nancy says her whole body is sore, and yesterday she had a bit of a fever. Stupid springtime illnesses...

We went to the "what's a copyright?" DVD shop again... and hit the jackpot, really. They'd just gotten a new shipment of movies in, and I couldn't help myself. I bought "Choke" the dark Palahniuk comedy about a sex-addict (I read the book on the flight was great), Benjamin Button, The Last Samurai, and a whole host of Miyazaki films. It was a bit of a film-orgy... I definitely could've bought more... but I was afraid of going over-budget. Turns out I needen't have bothered. I just got paid, and all of them together (7 DVDs) cost 79RMB (~$11)... ahh, I love the morally-abiguous nature of Chinese cinema...

Anyway, we're off to watch Benjamin Button... more later...

(CS)WC Out.

Waves are waves.