Saturday, January 24, 2009

Trip Pictures and Such, part 1

Apologies on my long-ish delays between posts, a mixture of laziness and preoccupation are a powerful brew.

Nancy is finally back (did I mention preoccupation?), and it's wonderful to see her again. Today we two travel-weary people have been making a concerted effort to *take it easy,* which is working out great :) Though she'd never admit it, I know (just from having done it myself) that the jet-lag is hitting her like a freight train. As such, I'm perfectly content to just let her basically sleep and eat today.

Alright, on to the feature presentation. You all know I've been out and about as of late, camera in hand, walking around China and snapping away until my knee literally could not take any more. I'll try to break this into manageable chunks for you to swallow, since there's a lot of pictographic-protein to intake all in one sitting...
Trainride and Nanjing by Day

The South Gate, Nanjing at Night, and the Massacre Memorial

Shanghai and Hangzhou

We're gonna find adventure in the evening air


  1. Wow! You and Aaron saw so much in a short time! There's hope for your dad and I;)
    ps Your sister will be soo proud that you're insome of the pictures!

  2. So many great pics- wow! Mom is right- I am so proud!! Love the captions too...such a sense of humor you have. : ) Glad you were able to see so much (and replace your camera). Off to make breakfast for Ashley!


    PS) did your cards ever reach you?

  3. It's Monday 1/26...

    thinking of you,
    Tracy, Mark, and Ashley
