Monday, January 5, 2009

A couple of paintings...and yes, talk of New Year, as promised

In spite of my overwhelming schedule at the moment - featuring all of my finals tomorrow, grading, curriculum design for next semester, grading, travel planning, grading, and so much more! - I've actually gained some free time... in the form of my girlfriend being *literally* half-way around the world.

What do I do when I am lonely, stressed, and busy? Procrastinate, of course! It's simply how I react to such situations... and yet, somehow, things always seem to get done on time, and done well. Sometimes I think there must be 2 distinct personalities in my head: one dead-set on doing as little as possible ever, and the other begrudgingly cleaning up its' counterpart's messes... and both of them trying their darnedest to spite one another...

So I worked much of today... but then the other side kicked in... and I decided to do some painting... er... coloring... I'm really not sure what to call it. I used sticks of oil-pastels... so it's somewhere between painting and coloring with crayons. Nevertheless, I think they've turned out quite nice so far, though I must stress that I really just beginning to figure out the methods of this kind of art.

This first one was based off of a photo I saw on in an article covering the ongoing war in Israel/Gaza. Though the conflict itself is horrible, I found this image to be quite beautiful... and the juxtaposition moving. I decided to keep the lens-flare (those polygonal light spots you see in pictures) to keep that "real" feeling.

And I bet you can't guess who this is! That's right, it's Nancy. I missed her, so I took the only logical step... I made her, ála Dr. Frankenstein... well, minus the whole graverobbing bit. I'm saving that for February.

The characters are her name: 孙洁楠, or Sun Jienan. I thought it was a nice touch. Also, I'm not sure if they came through on the photo, but there's an underlay of yellow stars against the red background... so I wouldn't forget where I was :P

As for my New Years... well, what can I say? I said I'd talk about it "next time," and so here it is. It was relatively uneventful... boring, even. I went to the bar, where they had a big party going on. Met some people, re-met others... some of which were nice to see/ see again... but a surprisingly large number of them I actually rather not have to interact with again. Fortunately most of those people are down in Rui'an most of the time.

But - as seems to have become par for the course in recent years - the oft-vaunted holiday season loses its lustre when devoid of people you care about... or especially when a loved one suddenly leaves/leaves you right beforehand...

I guess them's just the breaks.
(CS)WC Out.

Remember. Whatever, it seems like forever ago.

1 comment:

  1. Chris,

    You are quite talented...and I know Nancy will be impressed with her portrait when she returns. You are absolutely right... holidays without the ones we love seem to lose that which makes them special. Yet, having had such a holiday myself, it makes you appreciate that much more those spent with the ones you love... of which you will have many more. You may not recognize it now, but what you are experiencing is priceless- life lessons.

    keep up the painting! (and... posted photos of yourself with your paintings do gain you extra bonus points with your big sis!)

