Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Day 1: It begins... with a ton of travelling

August 24, 2008 - Portland Intl. Airport, 5:10am PST

After a delay of 4 days - due in part to my companion's lackluster planning and, moreso, the Chinese govt./Consulate taking their sweet-ass time getting our respective visas processed, I am finally on my way to Wenzhou, China! Fortunately, both my lodgings, and company were *more* than pleasant enough to keep me from regretting the extra time in Portland too much, if at all.

To say that this is an exciting prospect would be a rather large understatement; and to say that it's also a terrifying one would be an even larger understatement. I'm combating the looming stomach-butterflies by simply not thinking too far ahead - a skill I'm rather good at ;)

I'm not sure whether it's the anxiousness of waiting/traveling, or the two Amp energy drinks I had (probably both), but it was very easy staying up with Meredith waiting for the clock to strike 3:00 and us to make the ~hour journey in from "lovely" Forest Grove to PDX. Unfortunately, that also means I'll have a hell of a time getting to sleep - something I have problems doing on planes even under the best of circumstances - regardless of my inevitable travel-exhaustion. Bleh.

Damn the red eye!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Chris,

    This is a great idea (the blog). We love to hear about your experiences. Sounds like the trip has been an adventure in itself. Keep up the "Jewish" identity. It may be useful for a few perks (not that it helped on the plane!).

    We're so proud of what you're doing and can't wait for the next blog installment. We'll check on you weekly.

    Much love, Elizabeth and Jurgen
