Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Day 1: Captain's Log, Supplemental

Beijing Intl. Airport, 7:15 pm PEK

Oh man, what a LONG flight! Last time, at least, there was a stopover in Tokyo which broke up that creeping feeling of "I'm never going to get out of this crowded tube" and the subsequent claustrophobia. But this time? Straight Shot to Beijing...ugh...

Regardless, we are now waiting at the terminal for our (relatively) short flight south, which should board in an hour or so. Still no free WiFi here, which seems to be a commonality of all airports these days. I guess they know they have a captive market, and so they feel they can hold the internet ransom. It's rather irksome, to say the least.

The airport's design (at least the brand-new Terminal 3, the world's biggest - it felt like I was in a cave) is very interesting and urban-chic... also, it's very walking-intensive. We must've walked for almost a mile just in this terminal, only to realize we essentially pulled an enormous, aggravating switchback and were *almost* back where we had de-planed. This fling thing is definitely for the birds...

In other news:

It's been officially determined that China beats the U.S. in "The World's Most Obnoxious Customs Procedures" contest, which neither nation really realized it was a part of. What pushed China over the top to earn itself gold, you ask? Aren't both nations equally paranoid and full of time-consuming, ridiculous hoops for passengers to jump though?


The Chinese went so far as to individually check every DVD Aaron and I had brought with us. Sure, the US DoHS might demand you remove you shoes, change, pants, and dignity before boarding...

but at least they don't judge your movie collection.

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