Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I'm coming to the end of my weekend, and yes, it's been nice. Rainy, so I stayed inside as much as I could (since all of my weather gear is down in Wenzhou somewhere), and basically just relaxed. And let me tell you, after a week of both training AND work (of which I have about 2 more weeks of to look forward to), relaxing is mighty nice.

I've known for quite a while that Chinese vendors - from the fruit-guy, to KFC, to McDonalds - often will deliver. But here in Shanghai it goes one step further. There's actually a service called Sherpa which will deliver just about anything from just about anywhere direct to your door. They have a phone number, but as most people who know me know, I'm not a big fan of phones. Fortunately, you can also order via Skype or MSN Messenger. So I ordered a pizza - a spicy pepperoni pizza... via Skype. And it was glorious. Their delivery fee is modest: a mere 15 kuai (depending on distance). Conveniently, Xujiahui is one of the major centers in the city, so pretty much everything that worth anything is well within the 15 kuai radius.

Tomorrow, I'll start back in on my workweek... but not until 3:00. I'm feeling pretty good about that ;)

(CS) TAW Out.

I'm calling you from another dimension

1 comment:

  1. Love the name of the delivery company;)

    Do you have a physical address to send things to IF we decide to? wink wink;)
