Thursday, May 7, 2009


I know I haven't posted here for a long time... as usual, both apathy and work-related fatigue can be traced as the source causes.

I just finished giving my midterms (a little late, yes, but better late than never) and they went well. So far the grades are coming back right where I want them. Only a few A's, and the only failures are those who inexplicably missed entire sections. We'll see if that holds up for the next 2 classes...

As of recently my GI tract as a whole has instigated a small-scale rebellion. The most bothersome details... well, I won't discuss them... but there's also waking up in the morning and immediately letting out a huge burp. And the burping all day. I think it's indigestion or something. No pain, just bloating and, well... expulsions of the gaseous variety. Nancy says she can buy a medicine for that... somehow I'm not surprised... we'll see how that goes...

I recently realized that I only have a bit more than a month left here, at least of this school year. Where has the time gone!? It certainly doesn't feel like that much time has passed. Nevertheless, it will be nice to finish out and see my peeps again back home. :)

Aaron and I were talking the other day on our ritualistic weekly walk to the university KFC... and we agreed that it was a very nice feeling to be a teacher here. I'll elaborate a bit: thinking back to the beginning of our first semester until now, there is a real, noticeable difference - positive, obviously - in our students' language skills. Though certainly not our doing alone, we certainly helped in that progress. It's nice to see... or rather, hear the fruits of our labors in action. Makes you feel good about what you're doing for sure.

Alright, that's all to report for now. I've got more burping to accomplish...

(CS)WC Out.

I forgot my pen

1 comment:

  1. PeptoBismal (your dads fav;) ) isn't working, eh? Too bad!!

    You'll find, the older you get, the faster time does goes by!!
    Any new leads for next year?
