Monday, June 13, 2011

The Plum Rain Season

Lasting from early/mid-June through the middle of July, the so-called "Plum Rainy Season" is Shanghai's version of monsoon season. Why do they call it Plum Rain? Well, two reasons: first, because typically plums ripen in late July, right after the conclusion of these rains... and secondly, it sounds much more pleasant than the other option, the Fungus Rain Season (plum and fungus are phonetic homonyms).

The season itself is marked by wet, warm rain in grey, dull days, interspersed with witheringly hot and humid jaunts into the maw of Hell itself. Fungus rain season starts to sound more and more accurate, right?

In other news, we've been trying to send some money across the Pacific to my US account so as to pay down my credit card there. And believe you me, it's no simple, quick task. We have the money set aside, my account number, the bank's SWIFT number, will probably need my passport... ugh... I think it might be easier to affix a roll of bills to a carrier pigeon and hope for the best.

小C now has 4 teeth growing in (!), and we recently bought an "ergo gym" for him... which is a fancy way of saying a walker with lights and sounds. So far, he's more interested in trying to climb over/eat the thing that walk with it... but it's still cool to see him bipedal (with significant assistance from mommy/daddy). His "vocabulary" continues to expand and mutate. Though still monosyllabic babble, it's come to include not only his initial "doo doo doo" and "da da da," but now "ba ba" and even "moo moo moo." One of these days we'll get him to say "mama" and make Nancy happy ;D

(CS) TAW Out.

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