Friday, January 29, 2010

Catching Up

Actually, i'm not sure why I both with such a title.  There have been long pauses in between almost every one of my posts; after which I go through apologetic motions like I've inconvenienced you the reader.  In reality, I'm sure your world kept turning... even without my ironic quibs and song fragment closers.  Shocking, yes?  Regardless - or as we say in my home state, irregardless - I'll be taking on a less apologetic tone regarding the long periods of silence between posts.  So there.  It's not you, it's me.

Life certainly has a way of making a hairpin turn at the least expected moment.  Twas the night before Christmas - more or less - and Nancy and I got an early ... erm ... surprise.  And no, it wasn't the GI Joe Battlecruiser I'd been writing Santa about.  Rather, it was a blue line on a stick.  That is to say, we found out Nancy is preggers.

You think you're surprised?  Ha!  I'll see your surprise and raise you flabbergasted.  Nay, all in.

So we made a rather quick jaunt down to Nancy's hometown of Wenzhou - after an even quicker trip over to the US Consulate - to make it official.  Which meant, more than anything else, having the appropriate paperwork, with the appropriate red stamp, and then filling out yet more appropriate paperwork and getting appropriately stamped (red, of course).  The culmination was taking an oath to the state.  Romantic, I know.  But hey, they did give Nancy a dozen roses, so that was nice.

Don't worry, though, we're fully planning on having a true celebration with family/friends/party-crashers/pet goats/etc... just, later.  When we've had some time to get everything in order.  Jeeze, don't get so impatient!

(CS) TAW Out.

Starved of oxygen